
Sofia Proposes you AQORA.

AQORA is a SAAS complete, personalizable and collaborative platform to manage
activities related to management systems.

Main features

Audit management: Auditors, Audit plans, Audit reports, Analysis of causes and actions, Communication and distribution by email, Monitoring dashboards

Management system content: Creation and design of the structure of the management system, Navigation through the levels of the management system, Document management and advanced search, Document publication circuit (addition >> verification >> validation >> publication), Management of the historical

Business strategy management: Management of issues, risks, opportunities and objectives, Listings and dashboards

Process improvement: Process review, Management review

Product improvement: Root cause analysis, Improvement tools, Retrospectives and reviews

Action management: Action planning, Action workflow, Listings and dashboards, Management of links to and from other applications

Statistics and reports: Dynamic construction of graphs, Saving of queries (public and private), Export of reports